House Roundup: House passes bill to ban private, for-profit detention facilities House Roundup: House passes bill to ban private, for-profit detention facilities

House Roundup: House passes bill to ban private, for-profit detention facilities

The Illinois House passed a bill that would prohibit private, for-profit companies from operating civil detention facilities in Illinois, a measure that would effectively block a project currently being proposed in the village of Dwight, about 75 miles southwest of Chicago.

Illinois already prohibits private prisons from operating in the state, and Rep. Kelly Cassidy, a Chicago Democrat who sponsored the bill, said it is meant to accomplish the same goals.

Senate Roundup: Senate passes bill to keep elected officials from collecting salary plus pension Senate Roundup: Senate passes bill to keep elected officials from collecting salary plus pension

Senate Roundup: Senate passes bill to keep elected officials from collecting salary plus pension

Local elected officials and county board members may soon be barred from simultaneously drawing both a salary and pension benefits from the same post. The Illinois Senate on Wednesday approved legislation to prevent representatives from double-dipping. For example, a county board member who has served long enough to earn a pension would have to wait until leaving office to begin collecting...
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