Former U.S. transportation secretary backs state gas tax hike Former U.S. transportation secretary backs state gas tax hike

Former U.S. transportation secretary backs state gas tax hike

A high-profile Republican on Monday gave his support to an increase to the state’s gas tax during a meeting of a special Senate capital committee.

Ray LaHood, a Peoria Republican who served from 1995 to 2009 in Illinois’ 18th congressional district before serving as secretary of transportation under President Barack Obama, said an infrastructure bill is also a “jobs bill and an economic development bill.”

Lawmakers return Tuesday for final stretch of 2019 regular session Lawmakers return Tuesday for final stretch of 2019 regular session

Lawmakers return Tuesday for final stretch of 2019 regular session

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s budget proposal, including his call for legalizing recreational marijuana, will be among the top issues Illinois state lawmakers will face when they return to the Capitol on Tuesday, following their two-week spring break. Democratic leaders like Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford have applauded Pritzker’s proposal.

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