State higher education officials defend Pritzker’s proposed budget increase State higher education officials defend Pritzker’s proposed budget increase

State higher education officials defend Pritzker’s proposed budget increase

Higher education officials defended Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s proposed $137 million increase in higher education funding for next year before a key House committee on Thursday as some lawmakers expressed skepticism the full request could be funded. The interim director of the state's Board of Higher Education, called the proposal “the largest increase that higher ed has seen, if passed, since Fiscal Year 2002.”

Statewide capital bill unlikely to come by construction season Statewide capital bill unlikely to come by construction season

Statewide capital bill unlikely to come by construction season

The Illinois Department of Transportation was one among a variety of related local and state groups to talk about its funding needs for Illinois’ next major capital bill, which some lawmakers say they want by the end of the legislative session.

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