Survey shows teacher shortages growing throughout Illinois Survey shows teacher shortages growing throughout Illinois

Survey shows teacher shortages growing throughout Illinois

The shortage of teachers in Illinois has gotten more serious over the past year, reaching into virtually every subject area and region of the state, and forcing schools to either cancel programs, enlarge class sizes or use teachers who are not fully licensed in a particular subject area. Those are the conclusions of a new report released Monday.

Will 2020 census make it more difficult to reach hard-to-count communities? Will 2020 census make it more difficult to reach hard-to-count communities?

Will 2020 census make it more difficult to reach hard-to-count communities?

With up to two Illinois congressional seats and $1 billion or more in federal funding on the line if Illinois’ population is not correctly counted in the 2020 census, nonprofit groups warn that changes to the census format this year could exacerbate an undercount in already hard-to-reach communities.

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