
Appropriations bill filed 12 hours before adjournment

Appropriations bill filed 12 hours before adjournment

General Assembly expected to pass measures later today

By Capitol News Illinois

SPRINGFIELD – A 1,581-page state budget appropriations bill was released to the public Friday with just 12 hours remaining before the Legislature’s midnight adjournment.

The budget language is contained in Senate Bill 262 Amendment 1. It includes the appropriations for all state agencies, the Supreme Court, K-12 education, higher education and several other areas of state spending.

The details were released as lawmakers in the Illinois House were on the floor debating marijuana legalization and those in the Senate were taking up final action on a number of bills.

The bill’s passage is expected later today despite the limited time for public and lawmaker consumption of details in the bill.

Also on the Legislature’s to-do list are gambling expansion, a capital improvements bill and a number of other revenue proposals needed to make the appropriations bill work.

This story will be updated.


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