Budget analysts: Evidence-based school funding model working, needs more funding Budget analysts: Evidence-based school funding model working, needs more funding

Budget analysts: Evidence-based school funding model working, needs more funding

Illinois’ new evidence-based school funding model is effectively driving added funding to the state’s neediest school districts, but the state must double its annual added investment in the formula if districts are to reach funding adequacy in a timely manner, according to a report released Wednesday by the bipartisan Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The evidence-based model was passed in 2017, giving each public school district an adequacy target based on several factors tied to student performance. Those furthest from their target are prioritized when new funds...
Three energy bills pass committee; could be packaged together by end of session Three energy bills pass committee; could be packaged together by end of session

Three energy bills pass committee; could be packaged together by end of session

The state’s various energy industries all had their say at a pair of House committee hearings Tuesday in which three widely discussed energy bills advanced with their sponsors promising further negotiations. By the end of the spring legislative session, all three bills – Democratic Elwood Rep. Larry Walsh’s capacity market reform and a pair of carbon-cutting, clean energy...

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