Education, health care, union representatives seek building funds in potential capital bill Education, health care, union representatives seek building funds in potential capital bill

Education, health care, union representatives seek building funds in potential capital bill

As discussions of the state’s first capital improvements bill in more than a decade continue, a new coalition launched an effort Wednesday to increase the focus on vertical infrastructure projects. The coalition calls itself Build Up Illinois and its goal is to put a focus on funding for new buildings in addition to road and bridge projects. 


Lawmakers consider eliminating cash bail Lawmakers consider eliminating cash bail

Lawmakers consider eliminating cash bail

Supporters of that idea say it would bring greater fairness to the system, especially for low-income people charged with relatively minor offenses. But prosecutors and law enforcement officials warn that such a move could have far-reaching consequences, including putting victims of domestic violence at risk and taking away the ability of local courts to fund services for crime victims.

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