Closing a hospital now more difficult in Illinois Closing a hospital now more difficult in Illinois

Closing a hospital now more difficult in Illinois

Hospital corporations in Illinois now have to jump through more administrative hoops before they will be allowed to close or downsize a health care facility. A new law that took effect this month requires the owners of those facilities to obtain a permit from the state’s Health Facilities and Services Review Board before they can close a hospital, ambulatory surgical treatment center, nursing home or other health care center.
Illinois family planning clinics may need to return or destroy medication Illinois family planning clinics may need to return or destroy medication

Illinois family planning clinics may need to return or destroy medication

Health clinics overseen by Illinois organizations that opted not to receive federal family planning dollars may have to return or destroy contraception and other medication purchased at a discount. Forgoing the funding removes the organizations, and the clinics they oversee, from the family planning program.
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