

Led by investigative reporters Beth Hundsdorfer since 2021 and Molly Parker since 2023, the Capitol News Illinois team has engaged in monthslong investigations into state government agencies and processes. That includes a partnership with Propublica and Lee Enterprises Midwest to investigate the state-run Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in the southern Illinois town of Anna. Links to those stories are below. With investigative tips, contact Hundsdorfer at or Parker at

Health care workers who cover up patient abuse face stiffer penalties under new law Health care workers who cover up patient abuse face stiffer penalties under new law

Health care workers who cover up patient abuse face stiffer penalties under new law

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law on Friday that strengthens the range of penalties that a state watchdog can mete out for health care employees who conspire to hide abuse or interfere with investigations by the state police or internal oversight bodies.


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